Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I am Hari.

Synonym of the Day
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Carelessness = Hari-ness

If you ask me to describe myself in just Three words, it will be, Ambitious, Self Motivated, Dedicated and Sportive.
When in college, most of us will have an ambition. My Ambition in college was, if some one asks me "hey, do you have any arrears", I would want to say "Yeah, just a dozen". Believe me, it is not something you can achieve easily. You have to be highly motivated and dedicated.
It took 5 hard working semesters to achieve that. Now, some one asks me, I will proudly say "Yeah, just a Dozen".
I don't want to stop there, I want to achieve more. This time, my girl is my motivation. Yeah, for the first time, I was behind a girl and she never even look at my side
P.S: The latter information is not very important, so kindly ignore.
I already had a Dozen, now I want to go more, I choose to go till "xx" because "xx" is my girl's roll number and it took 2 more hard working semesters to reach the goal. This time it was even more difficult, still I managed.
Some one with these kind of unique ambitions should also be highly sportive. If you ask me, yes, I was highly sportive. I would like to mention a small incident here. In our college, Students with standing arrears can't attend Campus Interviews. And my class representative was taking the list. She was asking every one, and when my turn came, she asked me "Do you have any standing arrears". I said, "No, I don't have any standing arrears ..................... everything sleeping, for 6 semesters". She was about to spit, don't know why she didn't. She went on with the next person.
Anyways, I think I did justice for those Three words which described me.


  1. Nice One Dude... But I don't see any grammar usage as such here. Was expecting more, from the way you were going on and on about this one, except for your "Three" Noun and "Spat" past participle... :P

  2. Too good a Blog...

    In your own words, about you "If you ask me to describe myself in just Three words, it will be, Ambitious, Self Motivated, Dedicated and Sportive." - Isn't that describing you in Four words?

  3. synonym of d day: carelessnes==hari-ness....rofl...jeez dude u got some sense of humour;) and as 4 ur achievements...nobody can beat them:P

  4. hariiiiiiiiii kalakitiye!!! btw i agree with shameem with that one :P seriously nobody can beat u!!!
